The HCF4051 device is a monolithic integrated circuit fabricated in MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) technology available in SO-16 and PDIP-16 packages.
The HCF4051 analog multiplexer/demultiplexer is a digitally controlled analog switch having low ON impedance and very low OFF leakage current. This multiplexer circuit dissipates extremely low quiescent power over the full VDD– VSSand VDD– VEEsupply voltage range, independent of the logic state of the control signals.
This device is a single 8-channel multiplexer having three binary control inputs, A, B, and C, and an inhibit input. The three binary signals select 1 of 8 channels to be turned on, and connect one of the 8 inputs to the output. When a logic “1” is present at the inhibit input terminal all channels are off.